Monday 29 February 2016



Today i am going to talk about Spanish, right now my class is doing Duolingo, Duolingo is a Spanish website when you do Spanish and stuff, I think the website is pretty cool. We learn Spanish every day well kind of, I have to admit I am a bit crap at Spanish but I am getting better at it. I think Duolingo is a good website. i have learn lots of stuff like Hola! and.... hola....
But yeah I will work on my Spanish. Soz  that's all I have time for for this post blog but don't worry I will be back for the next week for another post blog, so

BYE! 😈    

Sunday 21 February 2016



Hi guys today I am going to talk about Tech, if you don't now what tech it is well unlucky then... Don't worry I'll tell you. So tech is a school subject we do at Mt Cook School in Wellington (the capital of New Zealand).  You do four different tech activities like Cooking, Sewing, Movie Making, Technology and Wood Work. Right now I am doing Movie Making and it's pretty fun but I would not say that it is my favourite tech activity because I would rather do sewing or wood work rather than movie making.  We have basically done a short movie and stuff, thanks guys for reading my blog posts and I will see  you guys in the next blog post, peace out guys peace out!


Monday 15 February 2016

Swag Hello


Hello for another blog post of mine. today I'm going to talk about my year so far. So far so good in 2016, I have met new year 7s and have court up with other year 8s that haven't seen for a year. I also have a new teacher called Miss Bolger, she is a really good math teacher and she is nice as well. I have became a First Aid member and a Tech support again, so this year has been good so far, sorry guys but this all I have time for but I will see you again next week when I do my next blog post. 


Wednesday 10 February 2016

The best gifs ever!

 Hi guys I'm back for another post and  HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! for those. have a great year people and see you soon!

the 4th Star Wars A New Hope