Monday 27 June 2016



Hello guys today i am going to talk about the Middle age week and it was really fun like  we did lots of stuff. We did additives. each group had to make a activey about middle age thing and stuff.  I was in  agroup of four, me DJ Henry and Josh1835.  we also did a minecraft  battle and a role play! we had so much fun and I think we did pretty good. On the battle of the minecraft i did not die but there was much... LLLLLLLLLLLLAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG
and I hate lag on minecraft  it was so bad so i stop playing that and went on to slither... >:)
But any way we also did a minecraft role play and this time it was not as lag.
But any way that was it for this week and so i will see you guys next week but for now...


Tuesday 14 June 2016

Kapa Haka!


The best Kapa Haka in the WORLD!

Hi guys today I am going to talk about the Kapa haka that my school is practising and is going  to preform in Assembly, and we are Not ready  like I say half of the kapa haka group/ 3 classes are all delayed  and the other half are the ones that do not sing like you have to sing!
I a in the first row because I 'm small :(
But the actions are bitty cool though and sometimes it makes me feel like I am in the All Blacks but that all to say right now and That's all for this post and I'll see you guys... I mean write to you guys next week but until now .... Peace


Tuesday 7 June 2016

Minecraft AGAIN!


Hey guys I am back for another post on my blog and today I am  going to talk about Minecraft again... I know but I give you guys a update on the minecraft/ medieval time village thing. So right now it's going OK like me and my mate Henry have  finished the Church and now him and I are messing around and going fishing in the minecraft sea. Everyone is still building there houses.... I think but yeah  I got a saw fish for Dinner and yeah thats it but right now my class is thinking to build a wall for the big war at the end but thats all for today guys but I will see you next time but for now...


I  came in like a wrecking ball