Monday 29 August 2016

dancing hard!


I am back for another blog post and this week i am going to talk about the dance in the production robin hood and the Sherwood hoods and it's going great! so yeah but we are doing a song called money and it's a really good, so i enjoyed it a lot but rip for m because i can't do it. It is like you are doing a back flip for your first time but any way that's all for this blog post tofr the short post but next time it will b longer but until then...


Monday 15 August 2016

The Riddler >:)


Hello guys I am the Riddler from BATMAN!! ansews are at the bottom

OK so riddle this

You will always find me in the past i can create the present but the future I can never taint me What am I

that is easy now for a another one

 What flies with out wings?


#1 history

#2 Time

Wednesday 10 August 2016


Hi guys it is me again and I am going to talk about the Olympics that is now on in Brazil!
But new Zealand is not doing to good so far well kind of because we are just not getting though golds and we NEED them! I watched the the 7s yesterday and we lost o to FIJI!
It was really bad but at least the Fiji team can have a chance. The rugby was bad and i did Not learn anything so yeah that' all for this blog but i will write to you guys next week so...


Tuesday 2 August 2016


Hello and welcome to my blog a new start to this term and I had a great Holiday that you for asking but today i am going to talk about my Book groups and it's going great. So as you know i am reading the book called Hatchet. It is a good book, the book is a about a  boy who's plane has crashed in the middle of nowhere. We had a group chat and so far no one is talking to much but some people are not talking a lot so it gets annoying but anyway i am reading this book because I like adventure. So that's all for this Blog post guys but don't worry because i will see you guys next week but until then...