Tuesday 1 December 2015

Big day out memories


( I Wish )
Today I am going to talk about my big day out memories. My favorite Big Day Out was last year when the school went to bowling at the end of the end of the year. I wish this year Big Day Out would be....  JURASSIC  WORLD!!!! ( I Wish) But I would not like to be eaten by dinosaur .But I think it will be the Zoo again, Let me tell you about the Zoo. Basically every year we go to the Zoo for the big day out, and the bad thing is that it is always raining... and when I say raining? I mean RAINING. I'm also going to talk about what my favorite thing is. My thing is the ETOC week. It was so Fun! Like 1000000 times better than the Zoo!
This is all I have time for but read some of my other blog posts and in no time at all you will see another Blog post next week.


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