Tuesday 31 May 2016

The wrong electives!


When you came to the wrong beach

Hi guys I am back for another post on my blog and today I am going to talk about my  electives  that I picked this term. My electives are minecraft and making a music video, I have to say I think I could do another elective because I did do this two times before. But I like it it's just that I could do something else.
But i can't change but anyway guys that's all for today but I will see you guys next week...


Tuesday 24 May 2016

Castles are so HARD to do!!


When you can't build a Castle 

Hi guys today I am going to talk about one of  another hardest days of my life... building a castle, yes I know, but it's a paper castle,  you know the Very hard way to build castle, first of all we were all in frustration because the paper was so dam small and we had one week!
we had to paint it and do everything!
I liked it but it was hard and even the teacher said that it was hard to and you know that teachers can do everything but not today guys not today. I made a cross bow at one of are castles and it was the best!
So that's all I have time for this post on my blog but don't worry I will see you guys and write to you next week... YOLO!


Monday 16 May 2016

Cross country :(


Hi guys today I am going to talk about one of the worst day's of my live... the cross country. Now if you not mind it that OK for me but if you do..  GOOD FOR YOU.
But the day it happened (today) 
I thought to myself, I am ether going to die... or suffocate and die. It's not that I'm not fit or  something it's just that I hate cross country, It's about a dame km or so on and we're only year 8s like are they like trying to kill us or are they just crazy. Like I will rather break a arm or leg than going on cross country. But anyway guys back to the horror story, so we got ready on the start line and warmed up and then the run. I came 9th over all but it nearly killed me and thank God it is the last cross country . 

But that's all for this blog post but not worry  I will do another post on my blog next week but until now...


this is what you did to me

Bye Bye

Tuesday 10 May 2016

Captain America New Movie!


Hi guys I'm back for another post of my epic blog that only some people read but today guys I'm going to talk about what Movie that I saw Captain America Civil War the new one. I won't give any spoilers to any one OK but it was really good  and I  will give it 5 out of 5  
I went to the movie with one of my best friend... Josh :)
I have to say to have my favorite hero in this is the bad ass Falcon. But yeah that all guys for today guys, I really won't to say stuff to you guys but I am not that guy but see you guys peace out