Sunday 27 November 2016


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Hi guys me again I  going  talk about plents... nah I am just joking with you it's plants ha ha I know  Grandma ha ha ha..*sigh*   ( I have no friends) :(

Any way guys  so about plants so about last 3 weeks we had got some mini plants that our teacher had gave us from  New World, SO I PICKED MINT.... Weeeell guess what, it didn't  grow!!!
everyone else got a nice big healthy plant when my one is just... DEAD. So yeah a dead plant and we had to do a task when we measure are plants, well that's one task done. It was a great topic like I still enjoyed it but yeah.

So that's it for this big post but I will do one next week but until then...


Sunday 20 November 2016


Hi guys I am back for another post on my blog and today I am going to talk about reflecting on my Term 4 goals and my biggest goal is trying to get excellences!
but anyway I also want to go to church more  also  help more at school but yeah that's all for this blog post sorry for a short blog post today but I will do a  longer one next week but until then... 


Also guys check out red vs blue videos they are really funny and cool bye bye. 

Tuesday 15 November 2016


hi guys  I am back for another post on my blog and I am going to be talking about the speeches and I love what I am doing..... BUS DRIVERS!!!!!!! 
When Elmo is bus driver
So yeah that is my speech the wonderful speech of bus drivers, I think I will do good  anyway it is funny well I think so and I have learned it off by .  I Don't want to go first though because I wan't to see what other's speeches are like so I can get the idea what I am going against.

But any way guys that it for this post today but I will do one next week but until then..


Monday 7 November 2016


Hi guys it's me again and this week on my blog I am going to talk about the book week again, so yeah also it was guy forks  and it was really cool but any way back to the book week ting anyway so this week on my blog post I am talking about what i dressed up as a chater. I dressed up as Standly in the book holes, it was really fun.
I did not win any thing but I had a nice time and yeah so that was the day I dressed u as a miner with a shovel that is taller than me. I also had to take it on the bus with everyone looking at me. But yeah that is it for this post and if you have not read the book Holes then READ IT or die! but yeah that is it for this post guys I will see you or write to you in the next blog post but until then...