Tuesday, 21 July 2015

School Holidays

Hello everyone I am back! These holidays I had great fun. On Saturday my friend came over for a sleepover, we had fun playing halo and going to the school to play soccer and eat sweets at the dairy.
The next day my friend and I had to pick my big brother up from his basketball practice. After we did that my mum got us an ice cream at McDonald's. When we got home my friend had to go, but I had great fun! On Monday I packed my bag for going to Christchurch, I was going on Tuesday and on my own. I hung out at home for the rest of the day. On the big day on Tuesday I got up at 6:00 am and got ready for the plane. My mum and I set off at 8:30 am .

When we got to the airport  I said goodbye to mum and went into the plane and got into my seat. 20 minters later the plane shot off like a rocket and we went into the air. The flight was very quick, it was like 40 minters.
My grandma was at the airport at the end of the flight. My cousins were there too. We got lunch, went shopping and then we went to my grandma's new house. Two days later my cousins left for another holiday. The rest of the time I was bored but then I got back home and I didn't even recognize my mum because I hadn't seen her for over a week!
But after that it was fine. I also I won a competition on Sticky TV.  I got two movie passes.  This holiday was so fun. I can't wait until next holidays. But that's all I have time for but its nice to talk to you so....BYE!!                  

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