Wednesday 26 August 2015



This week I went to a school football competition, we came 3rd place. we won 4 games, lost 2 and drew 1. I was defence  for the whole game but it is fine because I like being defence... well sometimes. The striker, Thomas and Frankie. The mid was Josh and William, the defends was me Elizabeth and Maeghan, the goal keeper is one of my friends called Iraklis. I had a really nice time but the bad thing was that It was a school day and now I have tasks to do... this is all I have time for but I will see you next week...



Wednesday 19 August 2015


Today I am going to talk about the new New Zealand flag, not that I want to change the New Zealand flag but It has to be done... I have selected 4 new flags out of 40! My first flag is the Black Jack, because it has the union Jack and because also it blends in with  my black back ground as you can see.

My second flag is silver fern green, because I like this one is because the green is my favorite color and the white fern repents New Zealand but it is a bit plane.  My third flag is the black and red stars.
 As you can see it also has black and the cross just like the black jack, but because I like like fourth  one because it has red white and blue but all on a large fern. I think out of these four the black jack should be the new New Zealand flag.
I'm sorry but this is all I have time for but I will see you next time...BYE!!!

Sunday 9 August 2015


For me I am good at art because I did win a Sticky TV prize. I really think I need to work on my drawing hands. We do work at school and its fun but I really do not like collage. A really good idea for the class exhibition is to do what they want to do but it will have to be art.  I have enjoyed doing myself portrait at school and my space picture at home. I love art.  
I will try to get a picture of my art but this is all I have time for but  I will see you again and talk to you again next week. 


Monday 3 August 2015


hello people I am back, I am going to talk about who would I invite for dinner. I would invite
Master Chief and Will Smith. Master Chief is the best  halo spartan of all time.
I would ask Master Chief  what is it like when you are getting hunted by Agent Lock in halo 5 and being a super solider.

Will Smith is one of the most funniest and one of my favorite actors. I would ask Will Smith what will be his best movie that he has done.
Also I will ask how many years will it be before you retire and how long have you been doing acting.

I will like to talk to them because they are one of my favorite actors and favorite game character.  It will make a very good  talk.
I will also ask Master Chief one more question, what is it like to fight aliens?

But I am sorry to say but this is all I have time for, but I will see you next time.