Sunday 11 October 2015


I'm back

Hi guys, I'm back again from the term 3 school holidays. I didn't do that much but I will try my best to talk about it. I invited my friend Iraklis, who came over to my house for a sleep over. It was great fun, but the only bad thing was that my brother also had a friend over, and the thing about my brother is that he  always hogs the X Box and when I say hog I mean HOG. But eventually my friend and I had a turn on the X Box. We played Halo Reach and Halo 4. We had a great time. Then we watched a movie, Avengers age of Ultron.
After the movie ended we went to bed. The next day I woke up Iraklis at 6:00 am.... hey don't  you Judge me . But anyway we went to play X box  before my brother gets up and hogs it again with his friend. After that my brother came and... hogged it. My friends  mother was supposed to come at 9:35am but came at 12 past 11!!!!!
But it was cool. So she drove us to the pool, it was nice. but at the end you always have to leave. Yeah that was basically it, that was my holidays for me because the rest of the holidays, I watched Pan the movie, it was alright but at the end it was a pretty cheesy. The rest of the holidays I sat and relaxed at home. Oh yeah I also got Halo 3 ODST. So yeah that is it for now but I will see you next time...


Surprise mother....

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