Tuesday 29 March 2016



Today I am going to talk about what happened on my Easter Holiday!!
So on Good Friday my brother and I were invited  to go to the rugby game, Hurricanes vs the Kings, We went into the corporate box and had a coke or to and then got some hot chips. The game was great!
we won!

On Saturday I went to the Ware House, I was trying to find sometime that I LIKE!
But there was nothing!
So I went home and relaxed and had Fish and Chips.



I woke up and ran into the lounge and saw a hold lot of Easter eggs.  I ate 9 and left 3 for Joe (my brother) :) 
my mum and I went to Church and then went to a friends house and had Fish and chip again, then played Call of Duty (not better that Halo though) Then went home. 


On Monday I went to the Ware house again and this time I  just  got Halo 3 for the sake, and went up to Mount Kau Kau . Basically that's it because on Tuesday I just relaxed the rest of the Day. So yeah guys that's all I have time for but I will see you guys... well write to you guys another blog post next week!  


Sunday 20 March 2016

Leaving Camp :(



But when you've been at camp too long

Hello guys I'm back from a post. It's been a week of Camp! Wow it was shorter than I thought it would be. Anyway today I'm going to talk about the  best time in the year... YEAR 8 CAMP!
It was  Monday to Friday so here's what I think of the Hillary Out Doors Centre.
I think the Camp was awesome and I think everyone will enjoy it. There might come a challenge for you like for me it was the high ropes but at the end I laughed at it and I knew I beat it! You might get home sick and miss your Family, but what  I would just focus on the people and friends around you and if you really hate it, think of how you are going home and hugging your Mum and Dad. But it's REALLY fun and awesome, I loved it! One of my favourite things to do at the Camp was Caving! Caving is so fun and I lead the team one time in the caves. Also the Flying Fox was sooooo fun and also I was the first one to do it because I volunteered first to see what it was like and it was awesome! There was a big river at the bottom and the Flying Fox was about 50 meters long!
I don't think there was anything challenging for me but the high ropes because I did not feel safe and sometimes I  forgot that that I had the harness on so I freaked out sometimes.It's not that I am afraid of heights it's just that I don't like falling. But even though I miss Camp I miss Camp there is no place like home. But sorry guys that's all I have time for but I will send another post on my blog next week but until then peace out!


Sunday 6 March 2016




Today I'm going to talk about year 8 camp! I have to say that I am looking forward to the caving and high ropes. Also we are doing canoing and it's a long way to the place that we are going. But what I am not looking for are the pranks and the of of course the work!
like I have to work and clean but it is for the best for us right?
But yeah it's going good.... it is good , like it's only a week away now and it is a hole week of camp!
I know one thing about camps because of my big brother, please pay attention to this..

like it's not legendary if you don't go on a camp, first of all why you should go on a camp is that  people who don't go on a camp be toughs guys that sit on there butts and do nothing all day if they are bored and the second thing is that you won't be man enough. OK back to camp so yeah I think it's going to be awesome when I go to camp and when I come back from camp in another 2 weeks I'll give you guys some feedback of my camp...I think.
Well sorry guys but that's  all  I have time for but it's OK I will be back for another post blog in the next 2 weeks time but in that time peace out!