Tuesday 29 March 2016



Today I am going to talk about what happened on my Easter Holiday!!
So on Good Friday my brother and I were invited  to go to the rugby game, Hurricanes vs the Kings, We went into the corporate box and had a coke or to and then got some hot chips. The game was great!
we won!

On Saturday I went to the Ware House, I was trying to find sometime that I LIKE!
But there was nothing!
So I went home and relaxed and had Fish and Chips.



I woke up and ran into the lounge and saw a hold lot of Easter eggs.  I ate 9 and left 3 for Joe (my brother) :) 
my mum and I went to Church and then went to a friends house and had Fish and chip again, then played Call of Duty (not better that Halo though) Then went home. 


On Monday I went to the Ware house again and this time I  just  got Halo 3 for the sake, and went up to Mount Kau Kau . Basically that's it because on Tuesday I just relaxed the rest of the Day. So yeah guys that's all I have time for but I will see you guys... well write to you guys another blog post next week!