Sunday 6 December 2015

End of Year


Hello everyone today this blog post is very special because this is going to be my last blog post for this year. If you have never seen my blog posts before go down and read them. It has been fun writing to you people and I can not wait until next year so I can write to you soon. I remember when all my friends had a blog and I didn't But then I can back. I also remember when my blog got hacked at home and I nearly had to restart my Gmail but I changed the password. Well this is all I do have time for but I will see you next Year, and I want to give you a HAPPY NEW YEAR!


Tuesday 1 December 2015

Big day out memories


( I Wish )
Today I am going to talk about my big day out memories. My favorite Big Day Out was last year when the school went to bowling at the end of the end of the year. I wish this year Big Day Out would be....  JURASSIC  WORLD!!!! ( I Wish) But I would not like to be eaten by dinosaur .But I think it will be the Zoo again, Let me tell you about the Zoo. Basically every year we go to the Zoo for the big day out, and the bad thing is that it is always raining... and when I say raining? I mean RAINING. I'm also going to talk about what my favorite thing is. My thing is the ETOC week. It was so Fun! Like 1000000 times better than the Zoo!
This is all I have time for but read some of my other blog posts and in no time at all you will see another Blog post next week.


Monday 23 November 2015



Today  I am going to tell you about next year. Next year I will be year 8. I'm happy that I am going to be year 8 but I am also sad that the year 8's are now leaving. Year 8 will be fun because there will be camp and cool stuff. Also year 8 is the top of the school. You also get a lot of respect and little kids really like year 8 students. I will like to try doing Liberian. The thing that will be challenging will be getting Excellence. I am sorry that my blog is a bit short but this is all I have time for. I will see you next time.


Tuesday 17 November 2015

Book week again


Today I am going to be talking about my book week from last Friday. the who school had to dress up for book week. I dressed up as White Fang . But when I went to school many everyone said "who are you?" and then I have to get the White Fang book out of my bag, and it is really annoying.

 The hole school meets up at the courts. We had to walk around the courts when other school kids look at your costume. People thought I was the big bad wolf so I just went with it and chased the little red ridding hood who was a girl in school.

We also did a golden ticket. Our teacher hides around the school. It was really fun. But I did not find any tickets but it was fun any way.
The last thing I want to share with you is that the school had a quiz and it was fun to. that it for now but I will see you next week.

Bye Bye

Monday 9 November 2015



Today I am going to talk about what was my favorite book when I was little. I loved Thomas the tank engine...Hey don't judge me OK. It was when I was a little kid. My dad helped me with some of the words. One of my favorite story's in Thomas the tank engine was when Henry, engine number 3 didn't want to get wet so he stayed in the tunnel and ever came out and he got old and dirty and then came out to help out with the engine number 4, Gordon.

So this is all I have time for but I will see you next time.


Thomas the Dragon engine  

Thursday 5 November 2015



I got it I got  it... Yes I have it!
Today I will be talking about AFL. because I am talking about this is because last week I played AFL at school.  I learned lots of skill's like kicking and passing .  It was really fun but it's  not my favorite sport. Well that's it for today but I will see you next time.


Get out the way 

Monday 26 October 2015


Agent Lock 

Today I am going to talk about what my favourite game is, as expected it is Halo. Especially Halo Reach and Halo 4, but I might change my mind because the new Halo 5  has came out today! 

Master Chief

Halo 5 is about an Spartan called Agent Lock hunting down an other Spartan called Master Chief. But before I talk about Halo 5 let me talk about Halo. Halo is a massive ring that is built around an planet that the UNSC came upon when they were exploring in space. But also they came to a war with the Covenant, the Covenant is an alien species. The UNSC got on there own worriers called Spartans to fight the Covenant but their was other species that came in the war, the Flood and the Promethian, there is also Promethian vehicles in halo 5. I also like Halo Reach, because it is a fun game to play. Halo Reach is bast on before Halo and Halo 2. You are with your team and they are also the first Spartans. They called Noble team, you do not fight the Flood  or the Promethains. You just fight the Covenant. You play as Noble 6 but you die at the end of the game ( not in real live). I like this game because I like space and war and when you play it I hope you like it.      


Monday 19 October 2015



Today I am going to share what my future job will be. For a fact I don't know what I want to be but I do have an idea! I love art and making so I would like to do molding. This art is created and fun. If  I don't change my mind in my future job I will do art and molding in collage. But if I do change my future job I will do acting. Acting will be fun and not to brag but I'm pretty good. But any away about the molding. I would prates my art an maybe my acting.

What will you like to be? tell me in the comments.

So yeah that is the time for me but don't worry I will see you 
next time.


Sunday 11 October 2015


I'm back

Hi guys, I'm back again from the term 3 school holidays. I didn't do that much but I will try my best to talk about it. I invited my friend Iraklis, who came over to my house for a sleep over. It was great fun, but the only bad thing was that my brother also had a friend over, and the thing about my brother is that he  always hogs the X Box and when I say hog I mean HOG. But eventually my friend and I had a turn on the X Box. We played Halo Reach and Halo 4. We had a great time. Then we watched a movie, Avengers age of Ultron.
After the movie ended we went to bed. The next day I woke up Iraklis at 6:00 am.... hey don't  you Judge me . But anyway we went to play X box  before my brother gets up and hogs it again with his friend. After that my brother came and... hogged it. My friends  mother was supposed to come at 9:35am but came at 12 past 11!!!!!
But it was cool. So she drove us to the pool, it was nice. but at the end you always have to leave. Yeah that was basically it, that was my holidays for me because the rest of the holidays, I watched Pan the movie, it was alright but at the end it was a pretty cheesy. The rest of the holidays I sat and relaxed at home. Oh yeah I also got Halo 3 ODST. So yeah that is it for now but I will see you next time...


Surprise mother....

Monday 14 September 2015

huh art again


Today I am going to talk about art... again- man I say I have talked a lot of art this year but any way about my art, over the last week my class has done an large, awesome Star Wars poster   outside the class room. We also did five space pictures out of paint. I am also going to talk about what the other class rooms did. One class did a 3D X wing out of news paper. they also did a tiger in space as you can see in the background, they called tiger- naught.  The Star Wars poster that we did was awesome!
As you can see there is a army of tie fighters and a army of X wings, it was a big job to do.
Well guys this is all I have time for but don't worry I will see you next week...
