Sunday 27 November 2016


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Hi guys me again I  going  talk about plents... nah I am just joking with you it's plants ha ha I know  Grandma ha ha ha..*sigh*   ( I have no friends) :(

Any way guys  so about plants so about last 3 weeks we had got some mini plants that our teacher had gave us from  New World, SO I PICKED MINT.... Weeeell guess what, it didn't  grow!!!
everyone else got a nice big healthy plant when my one is just... DEAD. So yeah a dead plant and we had to do a task when we measure are plants, well that's one task done. It was a great topic like I still enjoyed it but yeah.

So that's it for this big post but I will do one next week but until then...


Sunday 20 November 2016


Hi guys I am back for another post on my blog and today I am going to talk about reflecting on my Term 4 goals and my biggest goal is trying to get excellences!
but anyway I also want to go to church more  also  help more at school but yeah that's all for this blog post sorry for a short blog post today but I will do a  longer one next week but until then... 


Also guys check out red vs blue videos they are really funny and cool bye bye. 

Tuesday 15 November 2016


hi guys  I am back for another post on my blog and I am going to be talking about the speeches and I love what I am doing..... BUS DRIVERS!!!!!!! 
When Elmo is bus driver
So yeah that is my speech the wonderful speech of bus drivers, I think I will do good  anyway it is funny well I think so and I have learned it off by .  I Don't want to go first though because I wan't to see what other's speeches are like so I can get the idea what I am going against.

But any way guys that it for this post today but I will do one next week but until then..


Monday 7 November 2016


Hi guys it's me again and this week on my blog I am going to talk about the book week again, so yeah also it was guy forks  and it was really cool but any way back to the book week ting anyway so this week on my blog post I am talking about what i dressed up as a chater. I dressed up as Standly in the book holes, it was really fun.
I did not win any thing but I had a nice time and yeah so that was the day I dressed u as a miner with a shovel that is taller than me. I also had to take it on the bus with everyone looking at me. But yeah that is it for this post and if you have not read the book Holes then READ IT or die! but yeah that is it for this post guys I will see you or write to you in the next blog post but until then...


Thursday 27 October 2016

The production is over and I am very sad I really did not want it to end like I had the time of my life, i was playing i people like Golim and i really enjoyed it and good at it but anyway i loved it so much it was like i was a pro and ... and.. EVERYTHING!
thanks to my teacher that picked me thanks  but yeah any way that it for the post sorry for that next week it will be bigger! but until then...


Thursday 13 October 2016

Hi guys i am back for the 4 term and today i am going to talk about a speech thing what ever but any way about the topic of this post any way talking about  speeches Trump is going to be present so i want to talk about his bad! speech/saying

1. i want to build a wall!

2. i could shot someone and  won't lose any votes.

so yeah that's all everyone see you in the next post..


Monday 29 August 2016

dancing hard!


I am back for another blog post and this week i am going to talk about the dance in the production robin hood and the Sherwood hoods and it's going great! so yeah but we are doing a song called money and it's a really good, so i enjoyed it a lot but rip for m because i can't do it. It is like you are doing a back flip for your first time but any way that's all for this blog post tofr the short post but next time it will b longer but until then...


Monday 15 August 2016

The Riddler >:)


Hello guys I am the Riddler from BATMAN!! ansews are at the bottom

OK so riddle this

You will always find me in the past i can create the present but the future I can never taint me What am I

that is easy now for a another one

 What flies with out wings?


#1 history

#2 Time

Wednesday 10 August 2016


Hi guys it is me again and I am going to talk about the Olympics that is now on in Brazil!
But new Zealand is not doing to good so far well kind of because we are just not getting though golds and we NEED them! I watched the the 7s yesterday and we lost o to FIJI!
It was really bad but at least the Fiji team can have a chance. The rugby was bad and i did Not learn anything so yeah that' all for this blog but i will write to you guys next week so...


Tuesday 2 August 2016


Hello and welcome to my blog a new start to this term and I had a great Holiday that you for asking but today i am going to talk about my Book groups and it's going great. So as you know i am reading the book called Hatchet. It is a good book, the book is a about a  boy who's plane has crashed in the middle of nowhere. We had a group chat and so far no one is talking to much but some people are not talking a lot so it gets annoying but anyway i am reading this book because I like adventure. So that's all for this Blog post guys but don't worry because i will see you guys next week but until then...


Monday 27 June 2016



Hello guys today i am going to talk about the Middle age week and it was really fun like  we did lots of stuff. We did additives. each group had to make a activey about middle age thing and stuff.  I was in  agroup of four, me DJ Henry and Josh1835.  we also did a minecraft  battle and a role play! we had so much fun and I think we did pretty good. On the battle of the minecraft i did not die but there was much... LLLLLLLLLLLLAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG
and I hate lag on minecraft  it was so bad so i stop playing that and went on to slither... >:)
But any way we also did a minecraft role play and this time it was not as lag.
But any way that was it for this week and so i will see you guys next week but for now...


Tuesday 14 June 2016

Kapa Haka!


The best Kapa Haka in the WORLD!

Hi guys today I am going to talk about the Kapa haka that my school is practising and is going  to preform in Assembly, and we are Not ready  like I say half of the kapa haka group/ 3 classes are all delayed  and the other half are the ones that do not sing like you have to sing!
I a in the first row because I 'm small :(
But the actions are bitty cool though and sometimes it makes me feel like I am in the All Blacks but that all to say right now and That's all for this post and I'll see you guys... I mean write to you guys next week but until now .... Peace


Tuesday 7 June 2016

Minecraft AGAIN!


Hey guys I am back for another post on my blog and today I am  going to talk about Minecraft again... I know but I give you guys a update on the minecraft/ medieval time village thing. So right now it's going OK like me and my mate Henry have  finished the Church and now him and I are messing around and going fishing in the minecraft sea. Everyone is still building there houses.... I think but yeah  I got a saw fish for Dinner and yeah thats it but right now my class is thinking to build a wall for the big war at the end but thats all for today guys but I will see you next time but for now...


I  came in like a wrecking ball

Tuesday 31 May 2016

The wrong electives!


When you came to the wrong beach

Hi guys I am back for another post on my blog and today I am going to talk about my  electives  that I picked this term. My electives are minecraft and making a music video, I have to say I think I could do another elective because I did do this two times before. But I like it it's just that I could do something else.
But i can't change but anyway guys that's all for today but I will see you guys next week...


Tuesday 24 May 2016

Castles are so HARD to do!!


When you can't build a Castle 

Hi guys today I am going to talk about one of  another hardest days of my life... building a castle, yes I know, but it's a paper castle,  you know the Very hard way to build castle, first of all we were all in frustration because the paper was so dam small and we had one week!
we had to paint it and do everything!
I liked it but it was hard and even the teacher said that it was hard to and you know that teachers can do everything but not today guys not today. I made a cross bow at one of are castles and it was the best!
So that's all I have time for this post on my blog but don't worry I will see you guys and write to you next week... YOLO!


Monday 16 May 2016

Cross country :(


Hi guys today I am going to talk about one of the worst day's of my live... the cross country. Now if you not mind it that OK for me but if you do..  GOOD FOR YOU.
But the day it happened (today) 
I thought to myself, I am ether going to die... or suffocate and die. It's not that I'm not fit or  something it's just that I hate cross country, It's about a dame km or so on and we're only year 8s like are they like trying to kill us or are they just crazy. Like I will rather break a arm or leg than going on cross country. But anyway guys back to the horror story, so we got ready on the start line and warmed up and then the run. I came 9th over all but it nearly killed me and thank God it is the last cross country . 

But that's all for this blog post but not worry  I will do another post on my blog next week but until now...


this is what you did to me

Bye Bye

Tuesday 10 May 2016

Captain America New Movie!


Hi guys I'm back for another post of my epic blog that only some people read but today guys I'm going to talk about what Movie that I saw Captain America Civil War the new one. I won't give any spoilers to any one OK but it was really good  and I  will give it 5 out of 5  
I went to the movie with one of my best friend... Josh :)
I have to say to have my favorite hero in this is the bad ass Falcon. But yeah that all guys for today guys, I really won't to say stuff to you guys but I am not that guy but see you guys peace out 


Tuesday 12 April 2016

End of term!


Hi guys how's it going today  I am am going to say good bye for this team but it's been great writing to you guys and I can't what until I write to you guys next time. I won't send another blog post until after the holidays.  The teams been great and I CAN"T what until it's the holidays!!!!!
I might send a  friend over and stuff  but year guys I'll be back.

Sunday 3 April 2016

Three things I learned this tearn!


Today I'm going to talk about what I have learned since the past 10
What I really think I learned this term is the year 8 camp. Now for year 8 camp I learned that I could lead my team though the caves and also I learned that  I could do anything!   I learned that I am not as scared as much as hight's as I used to. I also learned all my maths and work at school but one thing that I learned the most is helping my mum, like it's hard if you mum has to do everything and you just sit on the crouch and watch  TV when you could help you mum or dad. I helps them even if it's the smallest thing in he world. So maybe help your mum next time you see them doing the washing. And pass that on to others like Yoder says. Soz guys but that's all I have time for but I will see you guys next week  and also sorry for the sort post


Tuesday 29 March 2016



Today I am going to talk about what happened on my Easter Holiday!!
So on Good Friday my brother and I were invited  to go to the rugby game, Hurricanes vs the Kings, We went into the corporate box and had a coke or to and then got some hot chips. The game was great!
we won!

On Saturday I went to the Ware House, I was trying to find sometime that I LIKE!
But there was nothing!
So I went home and relaxed and had Fish and Chips.



I woke up and ran into the lounge and saw a hold lot of Easter eggs.  I ate 9 and left 3 for Joe (my brother) :) 
my mum and I went to Church and then went to a friends house and had Fish and chip again, then played Call of Duty (not better that Halo though) Then went home. 


On Monday I went to the Ware house again and this time I  just  got Halo 3 for the sake, and went up to Mount Kau Kau . Basically that's it because on Tuesday I just relaxed the rest of the Day. So yeah guys that's all I have time for but I will see you guys... well write to you guys another blog post next week!  


Sunday 20 March 2016

Leaving Camp :(



But when you've been at camp too long

Hello guys I'm back from a post. It's been a week of Camp! Wow it was shorter than I thought it would be. Anyway today I'm going to talk about the  best time in the year... YEAR 8 CAMP!
It was  Monday to Friday so here's what I think of the Hillary Out Doors Centre.
I think the Camp was awesome and I think everyone will enjoy it. There might come a challenge for you like for me it was the high ropes but at the end I laughed at it and I knew I beat it! You might get home sick and miss your Family, but what  I would just focus on the people and friends around you and if you really hate it, think of how you are going home and hugging your Mum and Dad. But it's REALLY fun and awesome, I loved it! One of my favourite things to do at the Camp was Caving! Caving is so fun and I lead the team one time in the caves. Also the Flying Fox was sooooo fun and also I was the first one to do it because I volunteered first to see what it was like and it was awesome! There was a big river at the bottom and the Flying Fox was about 50 meters long!
I don't think there was anything challenging for me but the high ropes because I did not feel safe and sometimes I  forgot that that I had the harness on so I freaked out sometimes.It's not that I am afraid of heights it's just that I don't like falling. But even though I miss Camp I miss Camp there is no place like home. But sorry guys that's all I have time for but I will send another post on my blog next week but until then peace out!


Sunday 6 March 2016




Today I'm going to talk about year 8 camp! I have to say that I am looking forward to the caving and high ropes. Also we are doing canoing and it's a long way to the place that we are going. But what I am not looking for are the pranks and the of of course the work!
like I have to work and clean but it is for the best for us right?
But yeah it's going good.... it is good , like it's only a week away now and it is a hole week of camp!
I know one thing about camps because of my big brother, please pay attention to this..

like it's not legendary if you don't go on a camp, first of all why you should go on a camp is that  people who don't go on a camp be toughs guys that sit on there butts and do nothing all day if they are bored and the second thing is that you won't be man enough. OK back to camp so yeah I think it's going to be awesome when I go to camp and when I come back from camp in another 2 weeks I'll give you guys some feedback of my camp...I think.
Well sorry guys but that's  all  I have time for but it's OK I will be back for another post blog in the next 2 weeks time but in that time peace out!


Monday 29 February 2016



Today i am going to talk about Spanish, right now my class is doing Duolingo, Duolingo is a Spanish website when you do Spanish and stuff, I think the website is pretty cool. We learn Spanish every day well kind of, I have to admit I am a bit crap at Spanish but I am getting better at it. I think Duolingo is a good website. i have learn lots of stuff like Hola! and.... hola....
But yeah I will work on my Spanish. Soz  that's all I have time for for this post blog but don't worry I will be back for the next week for another post blog, so

BYE! 😈    

Sunday 21 February 2016



Hi guys today I am going to talk about Tech, if you don't now what tech it is well unlucky then... Don't worry I'll tell you. So tech is a school subject we do at Mt Cook School in Wellington (the capital of New Zealand).  You do four different tech activities like Cooking, Sewing, Movie Making, Technology and Wood Work. Right now I am doing Movie Making and it's pretty fun but I would not say that it is my favourite tech activity because I would rather do sewing or wood work rather than movie making.  We have basically done a short movie and stuff, thanks guys for reading my blog posts and I will see  you guys in the next blog post, peace out guys peace out!


Monday 15 February 2016

Swag Hello


Hello for another blog post of mine. today I'm going to talk about my year so far. So far so good in 2016, I have met new year 7s and have court up with other year 8s that haven't seen for a year. I also have a new teacher called Miss Bolger, she is a really good math teacher and she is nice as well. I have became a First Aid member and a Tech support again, so this year has been good so far, sorry guys but this all I have time for but I will see you again next week when I do my next blog post. 


Wednesday 10 February 2016

The best gifs ever!

 Hi guys I'm back for another post and  HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! for those. have a great year people and see you soon!

the 4th Star Wars A New Hope